Overcoming Holiday Stress from a Psychology Perspective
The holidays offer friends and family the chance to gather together and celebrate the season's tidings. However poignant the holiday spirit may be, many people view the holidays as a stress-inducing season. For 90 percent of Americans, the holidays are a time of...

Psychological Benefits of Exercise
It is common knowledge that exercise is good for the heart and makes people more attractive, while enhancing muscle mass and aiding in weight loss. Dr. Tarnopolsky states, "If there were a drug that could do for human health everything that exercise can, it would...

Staying Positive with Psychology
The human brain is the most powerful computer and calculator on the planet. Unfortunately, it is also capable of incredible darkness and negativity. If you find yourself suffering from constant negative thoughts, psychology has discovered ways for you to become and...

What the Health – Tips for Transitioning to a Plant-Based Diet
What the Health is a 2017 Netflix documentary that has heavily influenced my health and eating habits. Recently, I watched the film and have been eating a strict vegan, plant-based diet. The transition has been challenging at times, but here’s why I’m sticking to my...

Psychology Tips for Getting Motivated
Becoming motivated starts with the mind and the thoughts that you tell yourself each day. Motivation can be influenced by outside forces but is ultimately determined by how you think on a consistent basis. When you want to get motivated to meet your goals and obtain...

Three Helpful Tips To Naturally Reduce Stress
Recent data out of the American Psychological Association shows that around one-quarter of adults in the USA have some form of chronic stress. Considering the fast-pace, hi-tech lifestyle we all lead nowadays, this statistic probably doesn't come as too much of a...

Part 3: 4 Different Types of Psychologists – and What They Do
Psychology is a popular college major because the degree can take you in many different directions. Many students decide to study psychology because the career possibilities are endless. From working on research studies to working in high schools, a psychology degree...

Part 2: 4 Different Types of Psychologists – and What They Do
Psychology is a broad term and a popular college degree. Many students pursue the study of psychology because it can lead you to many different career fields and opportunities. Since the job possibilities are endless, I am going to break down a few of the top...

Part 1: 4 Different Types of Psychologists – and What They Do
The study of psychology can take you in so many different directions. From working with emotional and behavioral disorders to working in non-clinical environments such as research and business, the possibilities are endless. In this series of blogs, I am going to...

Best Psychology Graduate Programs
In previous blogs, I discussed both why psychology is an excellent undergraduate degree and the colleges with the best undergraduate programs. If you do decide to study psychology in your undergraduate years, it can lead you to many different career paths. However, if...