by Lisa Landman | Mar 5, 2018 | Simply Real
Stretch of the Month Piriformis Stretch! How to – Lie on your back. Bend your left knee and lift it halfway to your chest. Grasp your knee with your right hand and pull it toward your right shoulder, keeping both buttocks against the floor. Hold for 20 seconds;...
by Lisa Landman | Feb 14, 2018 | Simply Real
Today is the start of the Lent season and many people will be giving up something for the next 40 days. We have heard some interesting ones but some of the most common ones include not eating chocolate, no dessert, no alcohol, no fast food and/or no red meat. ...
by Lisa Landman | Feb 5, 2018 | Simply Real
Energy drinks are a 10 billion dollar industry in the US, and are predicted to grow exponentially as time continues. The target market appears to be 15 to 40 year olds, for whom energy drinks are marketed. This concentrated supply of caffeine and energy offers...
by Lisa Landman | Feb 1, 2018 | Simply Real
Stretch of the Month Cat and Camel! How to – Begin on your hands and knees. Round your back by contracting your abdominals and tucking your pelvis. Then allow your back to sag toward the floor as you lift your chest forward. Hold briefly. Repeat three to five...
by Lisa Landman | Jan 4, 2018 | Simply Real
Stretch of the Month Achilles Stretch! How to – Face the wall with your right foot ahead of your left, toes straight ahead. Bend both knees, press your hips forward, and lean into the wall. Keep both heels down and both knees in line with your feet. Hold for...